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Cafe's, Culture & Client Construction Updates!
Hey hey!
Welcome to this week’s jam-packed edition of Brazil Beachfront! We’ve got an exciting lineup of content for you today, folks, including exceptional investment opportunities, cultural happenings, insights into the surging boom into premium cafes, and some important project updates.
Plus, don’t miss our exclusive deal of the week - this deal is too good to miss, and I expect it will go quickly! So, with that, let’s get right into this week’s edition of Brazil Beachfront!
Feriado de 7 de Setembro - Happy Independence Day!
September 7th is a significant date in Brazil's history as it marks the date of Independence. This national holiday commemorates the declaration of Brazil's independence from Portugal in 1822.

Independência ou Morte (Independence or Death) is a famous painting by Brazilian artist Pedro Américo.
This day marked a split between the two countries and was the culmination of ongoing and continually growing tensions between Brazilian colonists and Portugal.
Tensions were heightened by the political upheavals in Europe, including the Liberal Revolution in Porto in 1820. The relocation of the Portuguese Royal Family to Brazil in 1808 due to Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal is what ultimately set the stage for Brazil’s path to independence.
Now, I am not claiming to be a historical expert on Brazil, and it may or may not be true that my knowledge of Brazilian history starts and ends there… but I suppose I will leave that up to you to figure out…!
Jokes aside, I did feel it was important to mark this date for you all reading this right now, as Brazilians take great pride in their country and national identity and given I have so many Brazilain staff working for me at Expat Money, I wouldn’t feel right putting this newsletter out without acknowledging this special day.
Coffee Culture (And Business) In Brazil
Brazil is renowned not only as the world's largest coffee producer but also as a land where coffee consumption is deeply embedded in everyday life.
Brazil is experiencing a notable boom in coffee shop businesses, which doesn’t surprise me one bit. According to the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association, around 95% of Brazilians consume coffee regularly.

Given that so many Brazilians drink coffee, I was surprised to learn that there are only 3,500 coffee shops nationwide. For context, Mexico has a reported 10,000 coffee shops and has nearly 85 million fewer inhabitants!
That said, experts expect this number to grow.
Without digging too much into what the experts had to say about why they expect more coffee shops to open up, here is what my gut told me:
I figured that with the growing middle class comes the ability to indulge in more luxurious experiences, like going to a nice cafe to enjoy coffee with a friend, for example.
Before I came across some solid evidence to back this up, I just figured there would be a correlation between a country's upward progression and the population's desire for modern, first-world-type experiences that once were only reserved for urbanites who lived in the more posh parts of town… like drinking good coffee in a nice cafe.
…my gut instinct wasn’t too far off after all - check this out:
“While traditional coffee consumption increases modestly by about 3% annually, the demand for specialty coffee has surged by 15% in Brazil.”
This pattern of spending on premium goods and services as incomes rise is something we’ve seen in other emerging markets as well…. Although this may seem small, I take this as a major indicator of a prosperous future in Brazil.

Before moving on, I want to make one quick observation about the general “coffee culture” in Brazil.
In Brazil, coffee is more than just a beverage… it's a ritual. They even have their own word for it - "cafezinho."
A "cafezinho" refers to a small, strong coffee that is served in a tiny cup. A “cafezinho” is much more than just a hot beverage, though… it embodies the essence of Brazilian hospitality, and offering a cafezinho is a sign of warmth and friendliness.
When visiting Brazil yourself, don’t be surprised if you’re offered a cafezinho. It’s more than just a coffee; it’s an invitation to share a moment of connection. When offered, my advice is to accept - it's as simple as that.
Construction Update - The Duplex’s, Phase B
The Phase B portion of the Duplex project is located directly next door to my successful rental unit, which is already fully operational and on track to earn me north of a 10% return this year.
The Phase B portion of the development is nearly complete, albeit with a slight delay. This delay was due to an unusually severe rainy season earlier in the year, which impacted the construction schedule. In the coastal region of Brazil, like in the Northeast, from May through July, rain is prevalent; however this past rainy season was especially intense and ultimately led to some small delays in the project.

Originally, we anticipated completing the project earlier, but the heavy rains made it difficult to work with the concrete and bricks used in the construction. As a result, we’ve had to adjust our timeline slightly. That said, things are now back on track, and we fully expect to finish the construction by the end of September.
We are in the final stages - all of the heavy lifting, so to speak, is done.
Now that the structures are all up, what remains is installing the kitchens, the washrooms, and the other interior finishings. Once completed in just a few weeks, the focus will shift toward furnishing the units and preparing them to be listed on the rental market.
We anticipate that the units will be 100% rental-ready by the end of October of this year!

I want to make it very clear that the slight delay we experienced has not affected the quality of the project whatsoever. In fact, the workers probably could have moved forward and kept building like many others would have; however, we don’t cut corners.
We strive for perfection in our work, and we will not compromise on delivering our clients quality products that will stand the test of time.

Meet Michael Kruger: The Man Behind The Screen
Michael is the man on the other end of the line when I tell you to write my partners directly at [email protected]
Michael is a world traveller at heart. He has spent much of his adult life living in different places with his wife and son before ultimately returning to his native land of South Africa.
Funny enough, before he and I were even friends, he had lived in Panama with his wife and son. While living in Panama, Michael became more and more interested in offshore real estate, and after making the most of a conversation with someone who would become his future colleague, Michael found himself on a plane heading to the Northeast of Brazil to meet with his now teammates.

Michael actually just returned from Brazil a week or two ago where he was checking out the current projects as well as meeting with the leaders of the company to plan out future projects.
Micahel absolutely raved about his latest trip to Brazil. Outside of his time with the partners, Michael explored the region by checking out the restaurants, cafes and shops.
The food I hear is just amazing - there was one Italian joint in particular that Micahel loved… check it out in the images below to see for yourself how lovely this little restaurant on the beach is.

I decided it was time to share a little bit about some of the team behind Brazil Beachfront. I want to make it known that when you decide to reach out to us at [email protected], there is a helpful, knowledgeable, and frankly awesome team ready to work with you to make your offshore investing plans a reality.
I felt it was important to tell you about Michael, especially as he is the point man when it comes to helping people just like you get set up with your own turn-key rental property in Brazil’s Northeast.
So, whether you’re simply curious about our latest projects or are interested in hearing about any existing we have from past projects or inventory that may soon be made available for re-sale from one of our current clients, now you have a face to put to the name when you make the savvy decision to inquire about becoming an offshore property owner.
Born Brazilian, Loved Worldwide
No discussion of Brazilian culture would be complete without mentioning Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pelé. Born in 1940 in the small town of Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Pelé is not just a football legend; he is a symbol of national pride and a global cultural icon.
Pelé’s impact on football is unparalleled. His extraordinary talent and innovative play redefined the game and left an indelible mark on the entire sport. With his exceptional ball-handling skills, precise goal-scoring abilities, and visionary approach to playmaking, Pelé set new standards in football that continue to inspire players worldwide to this day.

Beyond his on-field achievements, Pelé’s influence extended to popularizing football in the United States. His role as a global ambassador for football and his humanitarian efforts further cemented his status as a symbol of peace, talent, and perseverance.
Pelé’s legacy goes beyond football; he represents the spirit of Brazil and its ability to rise to challenges. His life story is a testament to the power of talent, dedication, and national pride. Even after his passing, Pelé remains a revered figure, embodying the essence of Brazilian excellence and national unity.
Deal Of The Week! Buy Two & SAVE BIG!
We’re excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to invest in our final two completed beachfront units - Units 5 and 6, located directly side by side. This is your chance to secure cash-flowing properties quickly that can immediately begin serving you with hands-free, passive rental income!

Each unit is normally priced at $117k, with an additional $10k for the furniture package.
However, as a special offer for our readers, here is what we are offering:
Take 1 Unit: $107,000 USD, including the furniture package.
Take Both Units: $210,000 USD, including the furniture packages for both units.
This means you would be purchasing one or two fully market-ready rental properties at a price that is below our original pre-construction cost.
I want to make it clear that this price tag doesn’t even reflect the capital appreciation we have realized in the years since we began selling these units.
Opportunities like this are rare; I can’t stress this enough…
We don’t have endless inventory available. We have some projects in the pipeline, but even then, you would be waiting 18-24 months before your property is ready to begin earning your monthly cash flow.
This offer I am sharing with you today means immediate cash flow. Monthly cheques directly to your bank account can be had almost immediately… but only if you act now.
I promise you these units won’t last long. If you have been on the fence about learning more about getting your own offshore rental property in Brazil’s Northeast, this is the perfect time to get the ball rolling. Email my partners right now at [email protected], or you will miss out.

*Please note that if you choose to invest in one or both units, it will take approximately 30 days to furnish them and make them rental-ready. We aim to have them on the rental market by the end of October, ensuring a swift transition to cash-flowing investments.

Wrap Up!
As we wrap up this edition, I want to remind you to join our Facebook group if you haven’t already done so. It’s a fantastic place to stay updated on the latest news and engage with a community of like-minded individuals passionate about living or investing in Brazil!
It’s your chance to interact, ask questions, and share experiences with other expats living in Brazil or those still dreaming of doing so. You can join the group right now by clicking this link here: www.facebook.com/groups/nomades
See you right here in a couple of weeks, my friends. Until then, smooth sailing!